My research experience mainly refers to Macroecology, Remote Sensing, and ecological models. I focus on the selection, dispersal processes, asking how humans impact functional diversity. I am familiar with R, Matlab, and have some basic knowledge of Fortran.

Geological and climate impact on the plant biodiversity in the Hengduan mountains

In my PhD, I am investigating and understand the impact of geological and climate processes on plant biodiversity patterns in the Hengduan Mts (HDM) – an exceptional biodiversity hotspot outside the tropics. I use species distribution models based on compiled occurrence data, to develop 1 km resolution biodiversity maps. With close collaboration of geologists and climatologists, I will try to link plant biodiversity patterns to geomorphological and climate processes in the Hengduan mountains.


Impact of geogloical and climate processes on plant biodiversity patterns in the Hengduan mountains (poster) (PDF)

Phytodiversity is associated with habitat heterogeneity from Eurasia to the Hengduan Mountains (paper) (PDF)

Human impacts on functional diversity

In my master thesis, I am going to investigate human impacts on functional diversity. Before my master thesis, I did a project out of course scope to investigate a similar question but only based on Gribskov, Denmark. I used LiDAR and field derived variables to capture the functional diversity of woody plants and found that LiDAR-derived variables perform slightly better than field measurements.


Yaquan Chang. LiDAR-derived variables as a proxy for functional diversity of woody plant and response to forest management intensity, 2019, Project out of course scope

What else can species distribution model tell us?

I wrote my bachelor’s thesis and a paper to investigate whether modelled habitat suitability could explain structural characteristics in a balsam fir dominated stand. I used species distribution models to simulate habitat suitability and related this to field-based site index (SI) and cumulative aboveground biomass (ABG).


Yaquan Chang, Charles P.-A. Bourque.2019. Relating modelled habitat suitability for Abies Balsamea to on the ground species structural characteristics in naturally growing forests, 2019 Ecological Indicators 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105981 (PDF)

Yaquan Chang. Comparing Balsam Fir Potential Species Distribution in two Distinct Areas of New Brunswick, Canada, 2018, Bachelor thesis (PDF)

Remote Sensing including Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

I am crazy about the Remote Sensing approach as it’s really convenient for researchers investigating at a larger scale. I have used LiDAR and UAV products, including using LiDAR-derived variables to predict functional diversity (see the first topic). I have also learnt about using UAVs by comparing the performance of different platforms for processing UAV data.


Haozhou Wang, Yaquan Chang, Chuan Li, Qiurong Liu, Min Zhong, Qinxuan Chen. 2017. Analysis of Imagine Capacity in Resources Survey between Two UAV Photogrammetry Softwares: PIX 4D Mapper and Photoscan. Gansu Science and Technology. 33(22): 46-51 (In Chinese) (PDF)

Forest dynamics

I learnt the basic concept of the forest dynamic models when I was an undergraduate student. I ran a process-based dynamic global vegetation model called the Lund-Potsdam-Jena model (LPJ model) and calculated water use efficiency (WUE) of the forest in the Yangtze River basin, China.


Special Award of 14th International Junior Forest Contest, Russian Federal Forest Agency

Haozhou Wang, Yaquan Chang, Zenxin Zhang. 04.2016. Yaira Measurement Data Multidimensional Visualization Software. (Software Copywrite. Patent No.: 2016SR178462.; in Chinese) (PDF)

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